Press release

Akimbot 快將啟動

2024 8 29 日起,體驗連續不斷的機器人混戰!

抓緊你的電路!在下週推出的三維動作冒險平台遊戲 Akimbot 之前,Evil RaptorPLAION 高興地推出了一個裝備齊全、充滿機器人、動作和爆炸的新預告片!Akimbot 將於 2024 年 8 月 29 日在 Xbox Series X|SPlayStation 5Steam PC 上市。
在 Akimbot 中,你將扮演 Exe,這是一個與意想不到的搭檔 Shipset 一起的逃犯機器人,你將通過機器人軍隊,控制太空船,在拯救宇宙免遭滅絕的任務中鑄就自己的道路!設定在一個只有機器人存在的科幻世界,遨遊銀河系,體驗持續不斷的機器人混戰和爆炸性動作!
從 2024 年 8 月 29 日起,Akimbot 將在Xbox Series X|SPlayStation 5Steam PC發售. 在 9 月 4 日之前購買 Akimbot,可在 Steam 上享受 10% 的折扣。
加入 Evil Raptor 在 Discord 上,分享你的機器人混戰冒險經歷:
抓緊你的電路,做好準備,加入 Exe 和 Shipset,體驗這場激動人心的宇宙冒險,即將在 2024 年 8 月 29 日上演。現在就在Xbox Series X|SPlayStation 5Steam PC 上將 Akimbot 加入你的願望清單。

About Evil Raptor  

Evil Raptor is a small French independent studio founded in 2020. Comprised of eight people, they are passionate about making games and sparking joy in people’s minds. After the success following the release of Pumpkin Jack in 2020, they were able to formally create Evil Raptor and engage more people to work on their newest project, Akimbot!  

PLAION is a dynamic and diversified business in the global entertainment sector, masterfully crafting franchises that captivate audiences worldwide. Boasting a vast network of eight game development studios, fifteen regional publishing offices, three game publishing labels including Deep Silver, and PLAION PICTURES as an independent film publisher and distributor, the company extends its influence with merchandise production and expansive distribution capabilities across the globe.
Founded nearly three decades ago, PLAION has firmly established itself within the entertainment arena. With a diverse range of services and solutions, PLAION stands as the premier publishing partner for console and PC games across both physical and digital channels. Moreover, its strong foothold in the Virtual Reality (VR) domain highlights the company's commitment to varied gaming experiences.
PLAION is an Embracer Group company.